Gravity Theory Cream Anti Aging And Wrinkle Cream !

gravity theory cream  all but I have noticed my hair getting thinner but other than that I'm doing well with that we'll see what rth of the United States and I think if I lived up there I probably have to do a lot of moisturizing so that being said that's yeah if you see a lack of moisturizers in my skincare routine then you will know why it just isn't it is right for me I feel like my skin does better without it okay speaking of retin-a I do always like to say that my dermatologist told me when I first started using it that the biggest mistake people make are putting other products with retin-a I can a little bit now do one product mix with my retin-a but when I first started he just told me I had a male dermatologist and he said to use just a mild soap like Dove soap if I need you to clean it twice just clean twice with my fingertips a very mild let it dry put demonstrate it I claim my skin with a foaming cleanser this is just personally what I like to use my sister-in-law uses she uses I think no she doesn't still use Dove soap she started out using duck soap she is the CEO by g2 she uses a baby wash when she adopted her child she started using baby washed then and retin-a in 1988 so I've been using it a long time about 15 years later I started I did that only the retin-a for a while then I started on I added the Obagi and did that for a while and then about probably about 15 years